MIAmaxent 1.3.1 (2024-08-23)
- Allow
's Raster*-classes to be passed to projectModel(), for backward compatibility
MIAmaxent 1.3.0 (2024-07-29)
- Handling of NA values in forward stepwise selection (whether cause by unstable parameter estimates, or zero deviance explained)
- Bug fix when DV selection yields Chisq <= 0 (e.g. when identical DVs included)
- Added 'filename' argument to projectModel() to write raster predictions to file
- Changed name of calculateFTVA() to calculateRVA(), for consistency with source publication
- Package overview documented as per "Documenting packages" in R-exts
- Migrated dependency from
to terra
MIAmaxent 1.2.0 (2020-12-01)
- Enhancement: added 'retest' argument to selection functions
- Internal utility: shortcut function for deriving stricter selectDVforEV from lenient selectDVforEV
- Added calculateFTVA() function for variable contribution
- Added 'duplicates' argument to readData() to handle cells with multiple occurrence coordinates more explicitly
MIAmaxent 1.1.1 (2020-04-14)
- Patch for compatibility with dplyr v1.0
MIAmaxent 1.1.0 (2019-05-30)
- Added ellipsis to plotFOP() for easier customization of graphic
- Feature request: added 'densitythreshold' argument to plotFOP()
- Predictions NA when a transformation returns NaN.
- Minor documentation edits to readData and testAUC
- Simplification of F-statistic calculation; may cause rounding differences with respect to previous versions.
MIAmaxent 1.0.0 (2018-11-13)
Major changes
- Model fitting implemented as infinitely-weighted logistic regression, so that all computation can be done natively in R (maxent.jar no longer required).
- Implements choice of algorithm: "maxent" for maximum entropy or "LR" for standard logistic regression (binomial GLM).
- No files written to system unless write = TRUE
- Choice of Chi-squared or F-test in nested model comparison
- More consistency in arguments across top-level functions
- Selection trail tables simplified and clarified
Minor changes
- increased flexibility in graphics arguments passed to plotting functions
- quiet option added to top-level functions performing selection
- readData() automatically removes duplicates when two or more presences/absences fall in the same cell
- readData() discards presence locations with missing EV data
- formula argument to selectEV() function, to specify starting point for selection
- plotFOP() smoother changed to loess from exponentially weighted moving average
- plotFOP() plots data density behind FOP values
- plotFOP() returns plot data invisibly
- plotResp() and plotResp2() take identical arguments, the first of which is a model object
- projectModel() takes data in data.frame or raster classes, and plots output spatially in the case of the latter
- trainmax argument removed from selectDVforEV() and selectEV()
- testAUC() plotting optional
MIAmaxent 0.4.0 (2017-02-14)
- Model ranking within selection rounds based on p-value and then F-statistic (tiebreaker), rather than simply F-statistic
- Directories specified by 'dir' argument are created if they do not already exist.
- Existing results in directories specified by 'dir' argument are overwritten, if desired.
- Fixed bug in selectEV that occurred when the last round of model selection before interaction terms did not result in a significant variable.
- Unnecessary dependency on Hmisc removed.
MIAmaxent 0.3.7 (2016-09-14)
- Removed version minimums for dependencies which are default packages, to allow r-oldrel binary.
- Changed names of toy data used in examples for better organization.
MIAmaxent 0.3.6 (2016-09-12)